HIAM 2024 Challenge
Here is our competition which is open to our Cars and Bikes, or indeed you can use both*.
*But whatever you did the majority of the trips in / on is the pot your entry will go in.
It is open from the 1st March until end of end of Oct-24. All validated completed entries for car / bike will go into two pots and a random draw from each. This is “not a race” and that all motoring laws must be adhered to at all times by all participants
There will be a cash prize of £50 to each of the car and bike winners.
All we ask is that you get some photographic evidence that shows you at the location with something that can date stamp the day. Like a newspaper heading / MCN / car mag or something.
For the Bikers, don’t forget to also enrol in MCN’s 5000 mile Challenge for 2024.